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Health Is Normal

Daniel David Palmer

D.D. Palmer, chiropractic’s controversial founder.

When chiropractic was discovered in 1895, a lack of health would often bring the administration of harsh patent medicines containing alcohol, cocaine, mercury or arsenic.

In the midst of this, a healer, experimenter and freethinker by the name of Daniel David Palmer in Davenport, Iowa asked a simple, yet profound question:

“I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate eating at the same table, working in the same shop was not. Why? What difference was there in the two persons that caused one to have pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid or rheumatism, while his partner, similarly situated, escaped? Why?”

Great question.

Palmer went on to discover that it’s smarter to focus on the person with the disease, than focus on the disease in the person. That’s still true today.

We start with the assumption that good, vibrant health is normal. Our second assumption is that if you’re not experiencing optimal health, something must be interfering with your natural, inborn ability to self-heal and experience life to the fullest.

Yet, our tendency is to look outside ourselves to some of the more common culprits:

Bad luck. Accidents often fall into this category—being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Germs. Blaming a cold or the flu solely on germs overlooks one essential ingredient—being a hospitable host!
Genetics. The newest fall guy is having a “bad gene.” Yet, DNA expression is often a reaction to our environment.

We consider a much more significant influence to your health: the integrity of your nervous system.

Ready to get started? Please call to arrange a time so that we may meet you and discuss your particular health issue. 04 499 7755